Roat Pkz Wiki

Support Page / FAQ

Experiencing a problem? You have come to the right place. Here you will find a fix for most of the common in game and account problems.

Recovering an Account

If you have a security email setup you can recover your account here. If you do not have your email attached, don't stress you can still recover it manually by doing the following:

  1. Download Roat Pkz Info Jar.
  2. Open Roat Pkz Info
  3. Send an email to with the format below, filling in your information from the Roat Pkz Info Jar.
Account you're trying to recover :

Current account :  System :  Mac :  Serial :  IP :


Hacked Account

Please follow the above to recover your account. Unfortunately there is nothing Roat Pkz can do about your lost items. Please follow this guide to setting a security code onto your account so no one else can gain access to your again. 

Login Limit Exceeded or Login Error

Having this problem? Stop trying to log in for five minutes, if it doesn't work you're mac banned. Go and make an appeal here using this format.

Donation Issues

First off, please check your email from BMT micro, make sure it says 'accepted'. If the email says accepted, try typing ::reward ingame. If not, wait a few hours and try again, unfortunately the donations are not always processed straight away. If after 24hours you still do not have your donation create a post here stating that you have waited 24hours. A staff member will contact you asking for the Order ID in your BMT micro email.

Can't find an answer to your problem? Message a staff member here
